Our Ortho clinic in McAllen Texas specializes in braces and Invisalign. A not uncommon question that comes up is whether someone can get braces even though they have some missing teeth.
The answer is Yes. When teeth are missing, adjacent teeth will often drift into the empty space and this can lead to some real problems. Orthodontic treatment will correct and prevent these problems from happening or correct problems that may have happened as a result of missing teeth.
Here at A Perfect Smile Orthodontics in McAllen Texas, we offer a free consultation so that you can be sure, but in general missing teeth is actually a great reason to consider braces. We can help!
Call us at 956.630.6166 to Schedule
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If a patient is missing teeth, we have options as to the best way to treat this problem. In some cases, it may be possible to use braces to simply close the gap that has been created by a missing tooth. This may be a great option for someone particularly if they are already dealing with overcrowding. In certain cases where one or more teeth are missing, orthodontics can partially or completely close the spaces left by these teeth. This can reduce or eliminate tooth replacement costs for the patient after orthodontics.
If the missing tooth really does need to be replaced, braces can be applied in such a way as to leave room for a restoration in the future. If the space isn’t wide enough for replacing, braces can be used to widen the space so that there’s room for the addition of an implant or bridge. If there’s already plenty of space available for a dental restoration, braces can be used to hold that area open so that the surrounding teeth don’t move in on the open space (if that would not be detrimental to your overall bite).
Orthodontic treatment can help patients who are missing teeth and improve the health of their teeth and gums. Braces are recommended for patients with overcrowded or misaligned teeth. For patients who have experienced tooth loss, the missing teeth may actually be what is causing their alignment problems due to the surrounding teeth shifting locations.
If you are missing one or more teeth, Dr. Taylor will take this into account when applying your braces. If a missing tooth is going to be restored, the space may need to be widened to make room. In other cases, the space may need to simply be maintained. Or in some cases, braces can be used to simply close the gap with the existing teeth. Dr. Taylor will determine what is best.
This means that not only can braces help alignment issues in patients with missing teeth, they are actually beneficial to a patient in many ways. Braces can align the surrounding teeth properly, close any small gaps between teeth, open up the space left by a missing tooth to make room for restoration, and prevent surrounding teeth from moving into the space left by the missing tooth. Braces can actually help prevent many other problems that could occur if not treated.
Free Consultation With Our McAllen Orthodontist
If you’re missing a tooth and have concerns about the alignment of your teeth, consider scheduling a consultation with Dr. Taylor. He can work with you to create an orthodontic treatment plan that will take into consideration your missing tooth or teeth and any other dental issues you may be experiencing. Properly aligned teeth will lead to better oral health for you.
Of course, each patient is different, so it’s important to consult with our orthodontist, Dr. Taylor, to find out what will work best for your needs.
What happens if you have 3missing teeth can you sill get your braces?
What I would recommend is that you come in for a consultation with Dr. Taylor, which is free of charge. From there he can determine exactly what can be done. Most of the time missing teeth does not prevent you from getting braces.
I have three missing teeth one Incisor the down one is missing canine is up one is missing and one pre-molar is down one is missing what should I do and l had baraces before
You should be able to get braces again. A missing tooth here or there is a normally not a problem for braces. But sometimes a missing tooth can be problematic if its needed as a support to move other teeth – however even then an orthodontist can handle it. Is there a local orthodontist that offers free consultations? If so, that would be your best bet.
I have a missing lower incisor and gap in my upper teeth will braces fix my all gap or i have to do root canal and then put braces?? The lower incisor which came out was just half the length of the normal incisor so there is a little gap?
Hi Yash, it is possible that this could be handled with braces, but to say anything for sure, you would need to come in for a consultation with Dr. Taylor. There is no charge for the consultation. Please call us to schedule at your convenience.
how much does the braces cost.
can braces be put into the teeth by taking a payment by emi or not.
I have one missing molar on my bottom teeth on one side and also another molar teeth on my upper teeth but only on one side too would that be okay to get braces ? Please answer thank you!!!
Hi Ghazal, Thank you for your question. There is really no way for me to answer your question without a proper examination and x-rays. Dr. Taylor offers a Free Consultation and from this he would be able to tell you what the best treatment plan would be for your situation. Please call us and schedule a free consultation, which includes x-rays and an exam by the doctor.
Yes you can.Braces will keep you teeth from moving into the places without teeth.So most likely you will be able to get braces.😁
Hello i just want to ask if the both first premolar in the upper were extracted .can it still got braces and close the gap permanently without doing implant? . Iam really curios about it i research about it and some says it can be, by pushing the existing teeth by the lost one by the help of braces
Hi, I really need to know, did you get an answer for this? I’m going through the same problem. I’m getting braces to close the gap but my teeth have shifted into the gap.
Hi Gem, This type of situation can usually be addressed with braces, but it is best to come in for the consultation, get imaging done and have the Orthodontist look at your specific situation to see what the best treatment plan would be. There are many factors to be taken into account and is not something that can be advised on without examination.
I have 2 missing teeth the front ones can I get braces to clothe up the space
You would have to get a consultation, it depends very much on your teeth and their shape. It is possible to close up a lot of space with braces, but its hard to tell if the teeth that are moved into the front will look right.
Is it ok to have braces if my upper first and two (both sides) second premolars are gone?
Thank you for your question. The truth is that we cannot say for sure, but it certainly is possible. If you would come in for our free consultation we could definitely tell you exactly what could and couldn’t be done.
When you get braces on does it hurt the first day?
Hi Lesly, Yes, the first day it is common to have some discomfort but this usually calms down within a day or two.
I have lost my 1molar tooth and for filling the gap of that 1st molar tooth I want to get the braces instead of implantation…… Is it better for me or no?
Its very hard to say without a consultation. If you have a lot of crowding it might be an option but you would have to see an orthodontist to get an answer to this question.
Can you still have braces if you’re missing an adult tooth?
Yes you can. Every person is different, but normally a missing tooth is not a problem for braces
What if you have 4 missing tooths can I still get braces
Hi Dulce, Generally people with missing teeth can still get braces, but every person has his or her own unique situation. You have to go in to an orthodontist and get a consultation. Good luck!
I lost one of my upper central incisor due to an accident when I was 11 years old. Since then, I wore my denture until now. But I also have an overbite case and my teeth have also spaces in between. I am now 22 yrs old and I wanted to have braces to correct my dental alignment but I’m afraid that if I had it on, I won’t be able to wear my denture anymore-leaving my appearance very bad. My job requires a lot of interaction to people and I facing them with no tooth in the front will greatly affect my confidence. Is there any solution to this problem? Thanks!
You can likely get braces even if you have a single tooth denture, but there would likely be a period of time where your could not wear your denture. You would need to get an exam to be sure. Keep in mind that braces can be set up to keep the space open for your denture or possibly get your existing teeth to drift in and over up the space. It is possible that your gap will get less noticeable as your teeth start to line up.
If I have partials in the back on both sides(lower) and eight of my original teeth in the front can I get braces to straighten those remaining teeth?
Yes you should be able to straighten those front teeth. But to be sure, come in for a free consultation.
I have a 2 missing teeth one in the front and one in the side. Do you think that this can still be fixed? with braces or what should be the best way to fix this. Thank you
Sometimes braces can be used to close the gap left by a missing tooth. In your case it depends on how the spacing is on your other teeth. If you are in our area, come in for a free consultation and we can tell you for sure.
I have all other teeth fully descended but two top jaw teeth are only about half descended. I’m getting braces this Friday so I’m sure it’s fine but will I need a special type of braces for this or do they try and squeeze them on in the space they have on the surface of the tooth
My one upper 2nd molar is missing and the two lower 2nd molar is missing can i get braces?
You need to get a consultation to be sure. But generally the rule is that some missing teeth does not prevent you from getting braces.It would be absolutely worth getting a free consultation. We offer free braces consultations here in McAllen Texas, if you are not in our area, check around for someone in your area that does free consultations.
Hi i have 4 missing molars on the upper and 2 on the bottom. Would i be able to get a braces? I have visited the dentist here in my area and said he could do that with my remaining teeth and would just do screws on my gums. Will it be okay? Or should i get bridge first? Thank you.
Hello Grace. Yes, it will be fine. You can get braces with missing teeth. If you are already planning to get a bridge, then I would personally recommend doing the bridge, then doing the braces. But if braces are the most important for you, it is completely fine to go ahead and do them without the bridge.Your orthodontist will be able to take care of it.
Hi, I have 2 missing teeth (the ones either side of my 2 front teeth) I have a denture to wear for these missing ones but my front teeth are wonky and wanted to know if I could have a brace without having the 2 teeth at the sides of my front ones? I would hate the thought of not being able to wear my dentures whilst having braces on as its very embarrassing but I wanted to know if its possible to even get braces in my condition?
Hi Hayley,
Take a look at the answer I just posted to Smoke. Bottom line is that a couple of missing teeth rarely cause a problem for braces. Look for an orthodontist that offers free consultations in your area. Your chances of getting your teeth straightened are really high.
Hey doc. If I’m planning to get braces.which dental plan will save me the most for braces? I am missing 6 teeth.3,4,19,23,24,32. Can I still get braces?
Hi Smoke, I am sorry but we are in Texas and are not really familiar with all the plan options so can’t help you there. As regards the missing teeth; the general rule is that missing teeth do not prevent you from getting braces. In some instances a missing tooth would have been needed as an anchor to help move other teeth. In that case the orthodontist bill place a post – a bit like a small implant – that can be used as an anchor to help teeth move. We recommend you find an orthodontist in your area that offers a free consultation. That way you can get an accurate picture of your situation. But regardless, missing teeth very rarely prevent braces.
I am mssing lower right and left 1st molartooth and left upper 1st molartooth.. Is it posdible to have braces?
The general rule is that missing teeth do not prevent you from getting braces, especially if you are just missing two or three. We recommend you find an orthodontist in your area that offers a free consultation. That way you can know for sure. But you should feel confident that you can get your teeth straightened without issue.
Thankyou for your sudden response and spending ur precious time for answering. Thankyou so much and surely i will go for that
Hi, both of my second molars have been extracted ( bottom left and right ) due to severe tooth decay. All im asking is braces effective enough to cover the missing spaces in my jaw? Im still pretty young and my third molars havent grown yet and my mother couldnt afford dental implants
Thanks a bunch
Normally you only cover empty space with braces if you have crowding in other areas. We always recommend finding an orthodontist in your area that offers free consultations. There is no substitute for a doctor actually examining your specific situation.
I’m interested in braces I’m missing teeth# 1 3 13 14 15 and 16 will I qualify for braces on the upper jaw?
Thank you for your question. The truth is that we cannot say for sure, but it certainly is possible. If you would come in for our free consultation we could definitely tell you exactly what could and couldn’t be done.
I have missing one tooth in my right side
Can brace fix the gap?
Its possible yes, if you have crowding in other areas of that same set of teeth. We cant say for sure without an in-person exam and actually looking at the teeth, but its well worth looking into.
Hi I am missing my right 1st molar permanent. Can I still a braces with that missing tooth? Or do I need to do an implant 1st before getting braces? But my Mom wouldn’t afford getting an implant and braces at the same time. What’s the best option so far? Thanks for answering!
You can get braces with one missing tooth. No implant is needed. Because an implant will be aligned with your other teeth, I would recommend getting braces first, then the implant can be slotted into its correct place. But for the best answer, find a local orthodontist offering a free consultation and see what they say.
I have a question I have brace they about to come off, but problem is I have 5 teeth missing and trying decide on a partial or bridge, with the bridge they are going to file down two of my teeth that I just made money to straighten out, I don’t know why to go for 5 teeth, Please advise
Hello Andria, This is tough question and really the best person to answer it is a cosmetic dentist. In general, if you have enough bone and can afford it – then dental implants are the best way to replace missing teeth. Its even possible to have 2 dental implants and then a partial denture that clips onto the implants. But a bridge is also an option, although that is a very long bridge to cover 5 missing teeth. I strongly recommend you get a couple of in person consultations – one from a cosmetic dentist and one from an implant dentist and see what they say. Find dentist that offer free consultations so you can understand your options before you start spending your money.
Hi I just recently got braces then was told that I have severe bone loss in front top tooth and the one next to it I was wondering if I should just get the two removed and can I get a bridge or implant or do I have to wait
Bone loss is going to make an implant difficult. If you remove the teeth, then you may need a bone graft to be able to get an implant. This is a complex situation. We recommend you find a board certified orthodontist near you that does free consultations and get a consult.
I only have 13 teeth left .. I had braces once for a top middle gap and it opened again due to not getting new retainers.. Is it possible to get braces with only 13 teeth in my mouth??
Yes it is possible, but you have to actually see an orthodontist. Find an orthodontist near you that is board certified and who offers a free consultation.
I recently got braces but the bottom ones at the end feels like someone is poking a knife in both jaws is this normal.
No, you should see your orthodontist, they should be able to adjust your braces so they feel more comfortable.
Can I still have the lower braces even if I dont have the right molars?
Normally missing teeth can be dealt with by your orthodontist, but the only way to be totally sure would be to find an orthodontist that does a free braces consultation and go in and talk to them.
Can I get braces even I have missing lateral incisors on upside
Likely yes, but it will require some work-around. Find an orthodontist near you and go in and get a consultation. They will explain the techniques that can be used to address this issue.
I have missing one tooth in my upper left
can i still get a braces?
Yes. While we cant guarantee treatment without seeing you, its pretty safe to say that one tooth missing is not going to prevent you getting braces. Even multiple teeth missing can be addressed with a good orthodontist.
What Do I do if my 11 year old daughter has 3 missing teeth ,Does she need braces?
She should come in for a Free Consultation to let Dr. Taylor evaluate the best course of action. You can call our office to make an appointment.
I’ve been under orthodontic treatment for a year now. Unfortunately I just found out that I have a very bad infection in tooth number 19 that can’t besaved . After the extraction will my orthodontist be able to close the gap ? Or will I have to get an implant ?
This is a really hard question to answer. Closing gaps is possible when there is crowding. It is often possible to close a single tooth gap with braces. But how much gap can be covered depends on how much crowding you have to start with. Your orthodontist is the only person that can answer this question properly. Wishing you good luck!
I am having tooth number 19 extracted. I had a molar band on the tooth. It was taken off for the extraction. I have an overbite,and I was wondering if this extraction will prevent me from correcting my bite now since I will not have the molar band on?
Hello, my consultation is next week and I’m very concerned if I will be allowed to get braces since my second molars on both sides of my bottom teeth are still growing. My bottom teeth are a bit crooked and I have space in between my two front teeth and my top teeth stick out too much which is why I feel that i need braces. Since my second molars are still growing, is it still possible to get braces?
Hi Lea, you are asking a tough question about your braces. I think you will have to go in and let your orthodontist take q look. Its going to depend on a lot of factors. Sorry I can give you more, but your orthodontist will be able to see very quickly. Its likely everything will be fine, but he or she will know for sure.
Thank you. I know everyone’s braces situation is different but have you ever had a patient who has a similar problem to mines? If so, were they given braces?
I only have 13 teeth in the upper and also 13 teeth in the lower. Im missing lateral insicor in the upper and my 3rd molar in the right side is still growing. While in my lower part im missing my first premolar. The thing is I just got may braces yesterday. I have spaces in my upper teeth.
Will the braces be effective and solve the my case? Hoping for your response and more power.
I am really sorry, but without seeing the teeth its impossible to say for sure. It should be OK.
Can i still get the braces if i only have 2molars on the upper right and 3molars on the upper left?
Yes, absolutely. That is not a problem.
If two molars at the same spot are missing and the wisdom teeth’s are growing can I get braces?
You would have to get a consultation to know for sure. The missing molars can likely be worked around.Can you come in and see us for a free consultation? We would be happy to tell you for sure.
Hello, I got extracted one pre molar only. Is it possible to put on braces?
Hi Saira, We cant guarantee without seeing you, but in general that is not a problem. Orthodontists often have to work with a missing tooth or two and a skilled orthodontist knows exactly how to deal with it.
Hello I only have 8 top teeth. None in the back on the right side or left side. missing 1 lower tooth on the back left side. Would I still be able to get braces?
Thank you for your question. The truth is that we cannot say for sure, but it certainly is possible. If you would come in for our free consultation we could definitely tell you exactly what could and couldn’t be done.
I only have 10 upper and 12 lower can I still able to had braces?
Most likely yes, but we cannot say for sure. If you would come in for our free consultation we could definitely tell you exactly what could and couldn’t be done.
Can I still get braces if I’m missing one of my upper left premolars ? And all of my right lower molars. I really don’t want a dental implant.
Hi Mya, Thanks for inquiring. The answer is that I am not sure, based on the information here. Really you would need to come in for a free consultation so we can look and do some imaging and then we can tell you exactly what can be done.
my upper and lower tooths have a total of 10 missings tooths what should I do?
Hi Lory, Really you would need to come in for a free consultation so we can look and do some imaging and then we can tell you exactly what can be done.
Hi, I want to get braces to fix my large overbite but I’m missing my 2 back teeth on my bottom left, can I get braces?
Hi Renell, most likely Dr. Taylor can work with your situation. It would be best if you came in for an actual consultation so Dr. Taylor can do imaging and an exam and then he can tell you what can be done to address the problem. Please call in to our clinic to schedule a consult.
Hi! My 2 molars on the same side/the same spot (right side) are missing/ extracted but on my left side upper teeth are still complete, can braces fixed and close the gap if two molars are missing on the same side? I don’t want to get a implant
That may be problematic, but also may be possible. Really it would be best if you came in for an actual consultation so Dr. Taylor can do imaging and an exam and then he can tell you what can be done to help you.
My dentist removed 4 premolars and 1 incisor from bottom..now i only have 27 tooth(i still have my wisdom tooth)..is that normal?..i’m worried that i only have 3 incisors left at the bottom..😭
Hi Sussushi, Thank you for your question. There is really no way for me to answer your question without a proper examination and x-rays. Dr. Taylor offers a Free Consultation and from this he would be able to tell you what the best treatment plan would be for your situation. Please call us and schedule a free consultation, which includes x-rays and an exam by the doctor.
Hi! Actually I had a gap on my upper front teeth so some days back i put veeners on my front teeth so that my gaps get closed but these veeners look very bulky i don’t like them so i want to remove them.Can I remove my veeners so that i could wear braces because i don’t like my veeners nor did i like my smile.What should i do now please i need your suggestion
Hi Sabreena, it does sound like braces would be the best way to handle this issue. Please call us and schedule a Free Consultation with Dr. Taylor, who can tell you the best treatment plan.
Hi I am interested in getting braces but I have a front missing tooth do you use a riding Pontic with the braces? To preserve that space so no one knows it’s a missing tooth?
Hi Carrie,
Yes, we often use Pontic while coordinating space during Orthodontic treatment. It would be best to come in for a free consultation with Dr. Taylor so he can do an exam and imaging to finalize an exact treatment plan to be sure.
Hello I have missing teeth on the left 2 up top and 3 on the bottom and right side has 3 up Top and 3 on the bottom I have 2 molars up Tom and 2 on the bottom my teeth have shifted would I be able to get braces just to close the gaps
Hi Teresa, and thank you for your inquiry. It is hard to give an accurate answer based on your description of the number of teeth that you have missing. We suggest contacting our office at 956-639-6166 to schedule your free, no obligation consultation. Dr. Taylor can do full X-rays of your mouth and be able to advise you if your situation can be fixed by braces. Thanks so much for your inquiry. We look forward to speaking with you!
Can i ask a question plssss. I have a underbite issue and its affect the shape of my face. I want to get braces but i have four missing teeth in the upper front of my teeth due to accident. I wear denture for almost 4 years. Its still possible to fix my teeth?😭
Hi Becca, thank you for writing in. It is definitely possible to fix your teeth, but you would likely need to address the missing teeth first, followed by orthodontic care to straighten the underbite. It is however not possible to give you any definitive answers on this without an actual exam. We offer a free consultation. Please call our office to make an appointment and we can tell you exactly what would be needed to repair your teeth.