Some people wonder if Invisalign can be used to straighten more severe situations, including what someone might even refer to as some very gnarly teeth! I think when you see this video you might be amazed at what Invisalign can do. We have very successfully used Invisalign to address and handle some very misaligned teeth with resultant beautiful smiles.
What’s great about Invisalign is that it can do all of this without having to go through the unsightly experience of traditional braces, otherwise often referred to as “metal mouth”. Once you get used to talking with the aligners in place, using Invisalign is practically undetectable and most people won’t ever notice you are wearing the clear plastic aligners.
But real success with Invisalign does take discipline and commitment. You need to wear the aligners 22 hours per day. Each time you eat you take them out to eat, then brush your teeth and the aligners when yo are done and put them back in. And we’ve even heard several reports of some weight loss due to curtailed snacking as it is too much trouble to have to go brush your teeth every time you want to pop a few potato chips.
However, keep in mind that Invisalign is not your only option for straightening your teeth without the metal braces. We also offer Clear Braces as another solution to the problem!
Clear Braces are designed to provide patients with more attractive, less evident alternatives to metal braces. Clear braces provide the same benefits as metal braces, except they’re clear! They are made of clear materials, making them less visible than metal braces, while also being strong and resistant to staining. This is also a resource to address nearly all misaligned teeth scenarios, including some very gnarly teeth.
Of course traditional braces are a tried and true method of straightening your teeth and this is also always an option. But the point is, that there are options and we can handle any situation – even the gnarliest of gnarly teeth!
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